Land serves as storage for water and nutrients required for plants and other living micro-macro-organisms. The demand for food, energy and other human requirements depends upon the preservation and improvement of the productivity of lands, which is not only inelastic but also heterogeneous in different parts and regions of the country with a definite set up, capabilities, suitabilities for different land resources. Integrated Nutrient Management Conservation of land resources can promote sound land use to match with the land capabilities or suitabilities and to initiate correct land resources, development/suitability in the country. The increasing human and animal population has reduced the availability of land over the decades. The per capita availability of land has declined from 0.89 hectare in 1951 to 0.27 hectare in 2011 and per capita availability of agricultural land has also reduced from 0.48 hectare to 0.15 hectare during this period. Crop production is subjected to considerable instability from year to year due to its dependence on rainfall, which is slightly erratic and variant in space and time.